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“What’s the difference between a Dietitian and Nutritionist in Alabama?”

In the US, a Dietitian has to have a minimum of a bachelors degree, and a minimum of 12000 hours of supervised practice to be certified by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Dietitians are required to be certified and licensed in the state of Alabama. Beyond meal planning and nutritional counseling, Dietitians are also certified to treat medical conditions, like eating disorders, for example. Look for the credentials of Registered Dietitian (RD) or Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN).

While nutritionists have their own versions of certification, Alabama does not regulate the term. Educated nutritionists can provide lots of great information and support, but it is a good idea to ask some questions about education and background before you begin working with a nutritionist.

“What’s so important about eating healthier when it comes to diabetes or heart health? “


When certain foods enter the bloodstream, they raise the glucose (sugar) levels in the body. With type II diabetes, your body does not produce enough insulin to manage the high levels of glucose some foods produce. In the short run this can cause things like hyperglycemia, and in the long run can result in damage to you nerves, kidneys and heart. While that may be scary sounding, the good news is, you can control any of that from happening with a little nutrition education and support.

Here’s a helpful article that talks about diabetes meal planning from the Mayo Clinic.

Heart Health

People managing Heart Health and diabetes benefits from managing weight gain, so proportions are often the name of the game with Heart Health diet changes. However, the kinds of fats you eat matter too. Learn which kinds of fats are good for you, versus the ones that thicken up your arteries, can have a dramatic impact on your health.

The Mayo Clinic also offers these 8 tips for better heart healthy meal choices.

Below are some local organizations that provide services like nutrition education, dietitian services, weight management help, and other services to figure out the aspects of your health directly related to what you eat.

Organizations who provide Nutrition Education: